Traditional British Food (It’s Just The Best): 16 Classic UK Dishes

Traditional British food is just a must-try, especially if you’re lucky enough to be in the UK. There’s no two ways about it, you’d be practically committing a crime to visit Britain and not treat yourself to some.

But if you’ve never experienced the best cuisine in the world, you might’ve found yourself asking: “what is traditional British food?”

Here’s your answer: 

Traditional British food is a combination of classic dishes and delicacies from the UK, including the Full Breakfast, Pie and Mash, Shepherd’s Pie, Roast Dinner, Haggis, Welsh Cawl, Irish Stew and believe it or not, Chicken Tikka Masala. British cuisine also includes treats such as Cornish Pasties and Pork Pies, plus desserts like Apple Crumble and Eton Mess.

The truth is, there’s just loads of traditional British food to rave about (which we do, incessantly). There’s actually so much epic grub in the UK, that we found ourselves needing to write a whole other article on the FOUR national British dishes.

For now though, here’s a top 15 list of scrum-diddly-unctuous traditional British meals…

The Full Breakfast

British Breakfast

Where better to start than the most important meal of the day. The Full Breakfast is one of the most famous British dishes and is more commonly known as the Full English Breakfast (or Full Scottish / Full Welsh / Full Irish). Also known as the ‘Fry Up’ or ‘Full Monty,’ this beauty is actually available throughout the day in many UK eateries. Hence why it can also be referred to as an ‘All Day Breakfast’.

Fish and Chips

Traditional British Food Classics

Fish and Chips is one of the most popular traditional British dinners and it’s really not difficult to understand why (in our humble opinion). This dish consists of battered and deep fried fish (usually cod or haddock), served with chips (a.k.a chunky French fries). We love French fries, but we’d argue that eating fish and chips chips are on another level.

Fish and Chips is best served with a wedge of lemon and ketchup or tartare sauce, plus plenty of salt and malt vinegar. Other optional additions include mushy peas, pickled gherkins, pickled onions and curry sauce. Most UK restaurants and British pub menus have Fish and Chips available daily (or get yourself to a Fish and Chips ‘shop’ in a seaside town for the best Fish and Chips experience).

Roast Dinner (with Yorkshire Pudding)

Roast Dinner

A Roast Dinner is of course another classic dish from Blighty and if you’re visiting the UK, we’d suggest you don’t return home until you’ve demolished one. A traditional ‘Roast’ generally comes with (roasted, naturally) meat (or non-meat alternative), plus roasted potatoes, stuffing, a selection of vegetables and gravy. And obviously, Yorkshire Pudding.

The famous Yorkshire Pudding is the traditional pairing for roast beef specifically, although they’re so good, most Brits will add them to their Roast regardless of meat choice. Whether you choose beef, chicken, pork, lamb or any other meat (or non-meat) option, you’ll be sure to enjoy a Roast. A turkey Roast is traditionally eaten at Christmas in Britain.

This classic meal from the UK is also known as a ‘Sunday Roast,’ or ‘Sunday Lunch,’ but no need to fret if you’re not in the UK on a Sunday: we Brits love a Roast Dinner any day of the week (we know you were fretting). That said, Sunday is the most traditional and common day to eat a Roast.

Pie and Mash

Pie and Mash

Ahhh, Pie and Mash… another true British classic, this being a pastry encased meat / vegetable and gravy filling, ideally served with creamy mashed potatoes (and more gravy, obviously). Steak and kidney is perhaps the most traditional pie filling in Britain, but other variations are steak and ale, steak and mushroom, or minced beef and onion. Chicken and mushroom or chicken and ham are also among the UK’s faves.

Pie and Mash is a dish that’ll be found in most UK pubs serving food, not to mention Pie and Mash shops, which serve this epic meal with ‘liquor’ (a parsley sauce) and jellied eels. For the best pie and mash (or at least, the most traditional pie and mash) the East End of London is the place to go.

Sausages (‘Bangers’) and Mash

Bangers and Mash

Sausage and Mash will surely always be one of the most popular dinners in the UK, purely because it’s the perfect comfort food. Creamy mashed potatoes topped with thick pork ‘bangers’ and gravy really is a traditional British food delight. Bangers and Mash is usually best served with vegetables such as peas, carrots or cabbage, plus fried onions.

Toad In The Hole

Toad in the hole

Toad in the hole is another comforting dish made with sausages (which were bangers two seconds ago, but here they’re ‘toads’). Putting our weird British food names aside, toad in the hole is perhaps one of the most underrated traditional dishes from the UK. Toad in the hole is just top-notch. It’s sausages that are cooked amongst Yorkshire pudding batter. Enough said. Except to say that it’s usually also served with vegetables and gravy.

Shepherd’s Pie

Traditional British Food - Shepherd's Pie

Another of the most traditional British food dishes is Shepherd’s Pie. You might‘ve guessed from the name, but if not, this is a lamb based dish. Minced lamb is cooked in gravy along with onions, celery, carrots and peas to make this rascal of a meal.

Mashed potatoes are added to the meat base as a topping (plus grated cheddar cheese if you’re feeling ultra mischievous), before being flashed under a grill to give a golden and crisp finish. Similar to Shepherd’s Pie is Cottage Pie, another classic British meal, but made with beef.

Ploughman’s Lunch

What Is A Ploughman's Lunch?

The Ploughman’s Lunch (or more simply a “Ploughman’s”) was created by British farmers back in the day. It’s a cold lunch that’s very traditional, initially only made from bread, cooked meats, cheese and an apple. Over the years, more items have been added to the very basic dish that was the original Ploughman’s, and it’s now simply one of the best, albeit perhaps stereotypical British lunches to be had.

A plateful of thick cut honey roasted ham, a good hunk of cheddar cheese, crusty bloomer bread, along with pork pies, scotch eggs, pickles and a wedge of juicy apple, is just insanely good. Widely accepted to be best eaten alongside a nice cold beer.

Welsh Cawl

Welsh Cawl

Welsh Cawl is essentially a soup, or broth, from Wales. Except, it’s so much more than just a soup or broth from Wales (despite just being a soup or broth from Wales). To make Welsh Cawl, chunks of lamb or beef are cooked in a broth along with vegetables such as leek, potato, swede and carrot.

A Welsh Cawl is widely considered to be the national dish of Wales and hence, one of Britain’s national dishes. So, if you’re visiting Wales in particular, it’s time to get excited by soup (and Welsh food in general).


Haggis, Neeps and Tatties

Haggis is another of the British national dishes and it’s just incredible (trust us, we’re British). Haggis is a savoury dish made from sheep’s heart, liver and lungs. If the sound of that puts you off, then chances are, you don’t know what Haggis tastes like.

The heart, liver and lungs of the sheep (and historically pigs) are minced and mixed with stock, onion, oatmeal, suet, spices and salt, then traditionally cooked within the sheep’s stomach lining. Haggis is one of many must-eat British delicacies. If you’re coming to see us over here in Blighty, particularly Scotland, you’re probably going to want to try Haggis.

Irish Stew

Irish stew

Yet another national dish of the UK, the Irish Stew is also a must-try, especially if you’re visiting Ireland. Traditionally Irish Stew is made with mutton, but lamb is more popular these days, in the era of modern British cuisine. Either way, Irish Stew is one of the most comforting traditional British dinners around.

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea

If you’ve never heard of Afternoon Tea, you really don’t know what you’re missing! So much more than just a single dish (quite literally), Afternoon Tea is maybe the most popular of the British food traditions that there is.

It all starts with a selection of dainty, sophisticated sandwiches (yep, we’re super sophisticated, us Brits). Followed by the epic British delicacy that is the Great British scone with clotted cream and jam. But that’s not all. Afternoon Tea is then finished off with even more sweet treats, through an array of pastries and cakes. All washed down with unlimited cups of tea, naturally.

Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble

One of many traditional British desserts, Apple Crumble is made from stewed apples with a crisp, crumbly topping made from butter, flour and sugar (often flavoured with cinnamon). There’s several varieties of crumble desserts enjoyed in Britain, apple just being the most traditional and common.

You could swap out the apples for peaches, rhubarb or plums for example, or go with a combination of fruits. Apple and blackberry crumble is ridiculously good. A good British crumble is well known to be best served with custard, but cream or ice cream are also good choices.

Eton Mess

Traditional British Desserts - Eton Mess

A mixture of strawberries, broken meringue, and whipped double cream gives you the classic British dessert that is Eton Mess. Eton is the area of England from where this pudding originates. The ‘mess’ refers to the dish traditionally being put together without any real structure, other than mixing the various ingredients. Definitely nothing messy about the taste!

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Sticky Toffee Pudding is another insanely good British dessert. It’s a sponge cake, but that’s really not doing it justice. It’s moist and oozing with toffee sauce, which is, erm, sticky, in consistency. Beyond that, Sticky Toffee Pudding is one of those things that doesn’t need much further explanation, it just deserves to be tried.



Trifle is a layered dessert, a food that’s particularly popular at Christmas in the UK. A classic Trifle has lower layers of fruit and sponge fingers set in a fruit jelly (the most traditional fruit being strawberries). Above all of that sits layers of custard and whipped cream (plus more layers of fruit and sponge fingers). Chocolate shavings and more fruit can be used to decorate the top cream layer. A thing of sheer beauty.

So there you have it, a list of traditional British dishes. Surely now you just want to visit Britain and start eating…

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